Heartbreaking as it is, a dog with a huge tumor on her head was abandoned on the streets, but three consecutive hospitals have refused treatment


Do you think that light has power? Your lighthouse is us. You must move on, Xiao Fu! Recharge your batteries, please. You'll be OK. Without a doubt, it will get better.

The volunteers got a worrisome call about a month ago. Anyone would be surprised to see a dog lying by the side of the road, but it was reported to them. This poor dog drooled often, was untidy, and had a large tumor on his chest. The dog approached with coquettish charm despite the dire situation.

Without delay, the volunteers sprang to its defense. The dog must have had a horrific background for it to have lasted this long. It was taken urgently to the hospital for treatment.

Waggled was this courageous hound, now known as Xiao Fu Despite its pain, its tail. The medical examination revealed the extent of the tumor's bone degradation. The doctor warned that rehabilitation might not be an option because of the seriousness of the situation.

Unfazed, the volunteers went to several hospitals with Xiao Fu to get more viewpoints. They eventually came upon a hospital that was eager to attempt therapy. With each passing day, Xiao Fu's condition became better as seen by the sparkling eyes that revealed its resolve to survive.

The journey of Xiao Fu was not without challenges. It received a blood transfusion and went through extensive testing. The volunteers occasionally felt uncertain and defeated, but they persisted. They trusted Xiao Fu's spirit of resistance.

However, the results of a CT scan were devastating consequences. Its brain was affected by the tumor's spread, which also damaged important bones and nerves. Despite the realization that surgery was not an option, the volunteers persevered. They learned that Xiao Fu had vascular fibroma, a kind of cancer that was amenable to medication.

After two months of continuing therapy for Xiao Fu, it had put on weight and was receiving the necessary care. Even though its future remained uncertain, Xiao Fu was able to live each day guilt-free in a loving and supportive environment thanks to the love and support it received.

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